Evolution of Scheduling

For this blog entry I have to thank Jonathan Mcalroy from Citi Group who wrote it. I have not modified it as I did not have anything to add. I think it is a very insightful look at scheduling, and instead of merely stating what is good or what is bad it focuses on what we should be doing and what we should be striving for. After all should we not be evolving instead of complaining, make it better or use it smarter is ultimately the better option.

I was asked recently about why we should move to r11 and what will be the long term benefits. It’s good question and I should have had a quick answer ready. I didn’t but fortunately for me it was an email exchange so I had time to properly formulate an answer. As it’s the anniversary of Darwin’s birthday, it’s timely and ironic that we can maintain our evolution with a little intelligent design.

For the reply, I could have rattled off a few paragraphs about the wonders of extended calendars and the marvels of look back dependencies. But I knew this questioner would push deeper and ask what benefits they would have. To answer the question therefore, I had to show the progression that all schedulers have been making in the last few decades so that I could then show the benefits that will follow from further advances.

An analogy I like to make is to imagine a line representing the business logic in a batch, if the green segment represents the logic held in the scheduler, then the blue portion is the logic held in the script executed by the scheduler. In the bad old days of Cron and Windows Task Scheduler, very little of the logic was in the scheduler. The vast majority of it was defined within the script that was getting executed.


As the early versions of AutoSys, TWS and Control-M came along, the amount of logic that could be included in the scheduler increased as it became possible to reuse the same job in different places and have conditions to define their execution.


As the schedulers have become more complex the number of job types has increased meaning that developers have had to do less developing in order to perform regular tasks. The 4.5 version of AutoSys has 3 (really just two) job types, whereas r11 has over a dozen and the ability to define new jobs. ITPAM has over a hundred possible ‘actions’ and new actions can be defined and made available to every other user.

The benefit of the migration of logic is that once it’s in a scheduler it’s very easy to re-use it in other places. Whether it’s a job that FTP’s a file or a job that executes a stored procedure, if it’s centrally managed it only requires definition once. This means that the pieces of logic they represent can be reused by multiple applications.

This means that instead of your batch just containing your logic, it can now contain lots of different groups logic in the right places. Your DB calls are managed by the DBA’s, the Grid calls are managed by the Grid team, the Business Objects feed is managed by the business objects team. Etc etc.


The ultimate goal is that a batch is reduced to a number of parameters that call pre-existing jobs to perform a required task.

In parallel to this line of evolution, the scalability of the scheduler has also had to evolve to keep up and handle all of these extra responsibilities. I remember using AutoSys 3.4 at Lehmans (RIP) and being shocked to hear that some sites ran two eventors in order to handle the workload. Fast forward a couple of years and the first time we ran 4.0 and wondered what EVENT_HDLR_ERROR meant.

In order to maintain evolution, the possibilities must always race ahead of the requirements. Every time we tell a developer, “No, AutoSys can’t do that” or “Hmm, you’ll have to script that” evolution is delayed. What we should be saying is; “Yes, the ABC team does that” or even, “Yes, here’s a wrapper script”. I’m not suggesting for a second that we start taking ownership of the business processes, but we should give our infrastructure colleagues the opportunity to get ahead of the curve and keep growing.

So in summary what does r11 give us? It might not seem like much but with a few new job types, the odd blob here and the WebService there, we can keep the line moving to the right and grow the expertise of our users and free up their resources.

“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.”

Charles Darwin

The Descent of Man

Tayori Limited

27 Responses to “Evolution of Scheduling”

  1. Autoclub Says:

    Nice try Jonathan but this blog needs more automobile references 🙂

    AutoSys has evolved and those of us committed to AutoSys must keep our systems up to date.

    My site runs AutoSys and TWS. TWS is probably better featured at the moment, even tho it pains me to say so, and without upgrading to r11 I doubt weather AutoSys would still be here at all. But in fairness until 11.5 (in 2015ish) the evolution of AutoSys seems to lag behind.

    Like I mentioned, I miss the car references so here is another analogy but with creatures. I have a feeling like AutoSys and TWS are like the most magnificent dinosaurs (e.g. AutoSys a Bruhathkayosaurus and TWS a Seismosaurus) the biggest around by far and taking-up a lot of space and I guess that Tidal , UC4 and the other newer products are like the emerging mammals (e.g. UC4 is a Repenomamus Robustus and Tidal the Sinodelphys Szalayi) building-up momentum but it’s a matter of time before them (or at least their kind) take over.

  2. Jonathan McAlroy Says:

    If AutoSys, TWS, Control-M are the dinosaus, then Tidal, UC4, $U are the birds.. The emerging mammals are CA ITPAM, BMC Atrium, Oparlis, EMC ITPC and whatever Big Blue have (they haven’t got back to me).

  3. Gordon Gray Says:

    Loved the previous comment… more dinosaur vs mammal reference in the next blog please!

  4. To clarify one thing: AutoSys r11 does not ship with over a dozen job types.
    It comes with the same job types as before – box, command, filewatcher.
    On top of this you can define another ten numeric types (0-9) Each type is defined with only two attributes – a command and description. In other words, its a means to define common commands and share them across jobs without coding the command explicitly for every job. The caveat here is that if you change this one command value, it changes for all jobs using that type.

    I would agree that r11 represents a little progress for performance and functionality. The architecture is a bit more complex than previous versions, but not much really. These architectural changes should make r11 more resilient to underlying infrastructure changes or problems.

    I would also agree that it is cool to be able to offer more bells and whistles to your customers. The issue with doing that, is that your toolset might become too complex or intimidating for new users – in other words your scheduling offering has to also be easy to pick up and learn, especially if you are heading for distributed responsibilities and SOA.

    AutoSys’ biggest problem is its vendor. CA acquired AutoSys 10 years ago, and in that time it has fallen far behind just about every one of its competitors. In the same period, CA:

    – threw out AutoSys 5 without an alternative
    – added the full eTrust Access Control product as the security solution for securing just a few AutoSys objects
    – Bought, rewrote and dropped the Web Interface
    – Introduced JAWS via a 3rd party, because they had no equivalent offering
    – Developed UEJM/UWCC which included components such as Ingres

    …to name but a few highlights.

    Decisions within the CA AutoSys development organisation on the direction of the toolset, have been fundamentally flawed. Instead of developing the core product significantly, they have taken other existing software (their own or 3rd party), and attempted to join these up with AutoSys to solve their problems. Another example? The latest WCC ships with bundled Business Objects, that uses a mySQL database and its own scheduler.

    Meanwhile, the AutoSys r11.3 beta is way behind, and promises yet another whole-new-architecture of +40 agent job types, adapted from Cybermation DSeries.

    Evolution of Scheduling? Check.
    Evolution of AutoSys? Uh-oh.

  5. Jonathan McAlroy Says:

    Using WCC you can define another 23 using a,d,e,g..

    Depends on who you count as the competition, for me the competition to CA is IBM TWS and BMC Control-M. We would have issues having an ELA with the likes of Tidal, UC4 or Cybermation (pre purchase).

    Whenever we have these chats, it’s always apparent to me that there’s two sets of customers, the huge sites such as Citi, JPM, GS etc etc. And the smaller sites which are less silo’d and don’t have scale issues. If I didn’t have to worry about demarkation of ISA responsibilities or Global Support requirements, then I might choose Tidal or UC4 (or D-Series). But I do, so having AutoSys secured by eAC, is great for me.

    Finally one of the gripes I have with the “emerging mammals” or birds is that they neglect the simplicity of something like JIL. Most use XML because it’s functional, but forget that it’s supposed to be useable.

  6. I don’t agree with Jon’s reasons for dismissing UC4 and Tidal.

    Massive global financial companies like Allianz and Commerzbank use UC4 why can’t Citi, JPM or GS have an ELA with UC4?

    UC4’s support staff (including 1st line support) all understand their scheduling products and are certified technicians with up-to-date product knowledge; which is not the case with CA AutoSys support (have you discussed WCC r11 SP1 issues with 1st line CA Tech Support in UK or India recently?)

    Incidentally, when GS bought AutoSys from the tiny AutoSystems Lab. (later bought by Platinum Technology, later bought by CA) presumably they had an ELA (assuming you mean Enterprise Licensing Agreement not Elastomer Lubricating Agent – http://www.all-acronyms.com/ELA), so why wouldn’t a large company like UC4 qualify today?!

  7. I am not convinced that the likes of Citi, JPM (JP Morgan Chase?), GS (Goldman Sachs?) would dismiss the use of newer technology based on the size of UC4, Orsyp or Tidal as companies (they are all pretty large). What reasons can Jonathan provide for disregarding all but the “big-3” (IBM, CA and BMC)? Investment banks are typically looking for a competitive edge after all, so why ignore the newer solutions? The more I think about Jonathan’s statement, the less I believe it!

    A quick Google shows that JP Morgan Chase is a reference site for $Universe (along with UBS, SocGen and BNP Paribas)? See http://www.orsyp.com/en/customers/customers-by-industry.html. Alliance is a reference site for UC4. See http://www.uc4.com/en/about-uc4/uc4-customers/view/back/15/article/allianz-shared-infrastructure-services-se/. Tidal is used by NYSE. See http://searchdatacenter.techtarget.com/news/article/0,289142,sid80_gci1254860,00.html.

    Finally, the use of XML to store object definitions is clearly a modern approach and an evolution from JIL. XML is perfectly useable and is regarded as a “standard” format in most IT departments.

  8. Martin Says:

    ** The latest WCC ships with bundled Business Objects, that uses a mySQL database and its own scheduler **

    CA are too funny! They realised that I now almost understand Ingres so they set me a fresh challenge!

  9. Jonathan McAlroy Says:

    OK, Officially I’m a CA-Stooge, apologist, polemicist and agitator.. Quite the contortionist..

    Going forward if you find any of my opinions unfounded or lacking a certain appreciation of the ‘little fella’ ignore me. I’m only talking from my perspective and experience, which for the most part includes large Corporate type banking.

    In response to the above (in order);

    As I said you can add another 23 job types using WCC a,d,e,g.. You can also include your own wrapper scripts in your client packages to achieve everything that CA has planned for 11.3.

    CA has never produced a timeline for any product in the last 5 years. It has risky stock market repercussions. So I don’t know how they can be “way behind” with 11.3. It looks like it might be released within about 2 years of 11.0, which seems reasonable.

    One minute AutoSys is being accused of not being complex enough (not enough job types), then next thing it’s too complex. Don’t imagine for a second that UC4, Tidal, $U aren’t complex, the difference is that you “probably” haven’t grown up with the product so you don’t know it as well.

    R11 comes bundled with Business Objects *for free*, yes it comes bundled with a free DB and it has a CRON type scheduler for producing reports. Neither of which have to be used, it’s perfectly possible to use the AutoSys data aggregator with an Enterprise BO instance if your firm has one.

    Amazing that two German Banks use a German Scheduler; I guess the Pack Instinct is alive and well. I think it’s interesting on how they use them, Allianz is primarily a Consumer bank, with a large insurance arm. It had a Corporate (Equities, Fixes Income) side; DKW which it sold to Commerz. Commerz has closed its corporate arm; CSAB and more or less replaced it with DKW. In each of these banks, the consumer side was run by UC4 and the Corporate side by AutoSys. Anyone in the industry will tell you that the Consumer technology is much, much simpler than Corporate technology. In our Consumer bank, we have two apps, one for Banking, the other for Cards (this runs on ZOS TWS.. In the Corporate bank with have 800 applications and we use AutoSys.

    I assume that when GS first bought AutoSys it had just crawled out of the primordial ooze and it was a better option than CRON.

    The reason for more or less ignoring everything that isn’t from the Big-3 is because it’s not just about newest and brightest.. The single biggest requirement is stability. Who owns UC4? The Carlisle Group. What does the Carlisle group do? They buy small companies, build them up and then sell them on. If you’ve just spent millions converting your entire batch onto UC4 and it’s sold to another scheduling company, you’re ******.
    Continuing with Stability, you’ll be a fool to think that the new crop is completely pain free. We’ve been busy migrating a smallish Espresso (proto- D-Series) enterprise to AutoSys. One of the biggest drivers for the migration (apart from the fact it’s no longer supported) is that the admin OR THE VENDOR (when it was Cybermation) couldn’t get the COB/DR system to work. Cybermation gave up in the end and cut the support costs..

    Another important point is global presence, I don’t care where the help desk is, most of our developers are in India, so it’s nice that they are there too (the CA support team isn’t actually). But when I click my fingers and say I want a techie in the office, it’s nice that he only needs to get the train and not the plane.
    Finally in order to be certified as a partner there’s a lengthy legal interrogation of the vendor. This includes financial and legal reviews. This is more likely to be successful with large multi-national corporations (ironically). In my experience, smaller companies are not above offering “incentives” to choose their products.

    JPM may well be a reference site for $U, but if you know the admins there, they’ll tell you it was one small department that use it and they’ve been working on moving them to AutoSys for awhile, they’ve probably succeeded by now.

    Tidal is in use in Citi, again an acquisition that we made (when we were rich) which we’ll be removing sooner or later.

    XML is undoubtedly a standard but it doesn’t make it user friendly. I’ve just had one of my guys convert Espresso XML into JIL and I think he lost an eye in the process.

    11.0 is Ingress free (if you want).

    One last point.. This is an AutoSys blog, I wouldn’t expect every AutoSys user to be a fan of the product, but you’d expect some of them to be.. I can’t help feeling that there’s other agenda’s at play in some of the responses.

  10. Martin Says:

    Jonathan said “11.0 is Ingress free (if you want).” Even EEM? How (or when) exactly? I’d love to be rid of Ingres, as I need exemption from our DBAs to have a non-approved database.

    It is interesting to hear about how AutoSys & UC4 are both used at Commerzbank. Why did they not choose a single standard technology? How do they integrate the tools for cross-platform dependencies?

    I must admit to preferring the standard of XML over proprietary formats. Your workmate would probably find the conversion of dSeries to UC4 much easier (although I realise that UC4 wouldn’t be suited to your company). Additionally my company (another very large corporate) has a preference for any product that adheres to Open XML.

    Incidentally, I heard a rumour that for AutoSys r11.5 JIL will be replaced by XML (like dSeries) too.

  11. Pablo Wee Says:

    You introduce your latest blog with the claim that it will describe “what we should be doing and what we should be striving for”.
    I think that the blog failed to deliver quite what you describe but in fairness Gartner Group get paid a lot of money to accomplish the same task and even they struggle.

    To be honest your blog gave me a feeling that you are saying “if you were as clever and important as me, you’d reach the same conclusions as me”. Your additional comments seem to re-enforce the impression of “if you don’t agree with me then you have a hidden agenda”. Post banking collapse I may have expected less condescension from somebody in your position – but I may be bitter after seeing my investments half in recent months.
    However you took time to write the piece and for that you should be applauded. I and others who comment should remember how difficult it can be to write an impartial document.

    Thank you for a controversial read.

  12. Gordon Gray Says:

    > > smaller companies are not above offering “incentives” to choose their products.

    Actually I find that larger companies offer larger incentives to buy their products. For example complementary travel and board to Las Vegas, New Orleans, Orlando or Vancouver for a CA or BMC event.

    I think that incentives are just a fact of life in IT.

    In Jonathan’s defense I don’t think his posting was deliberately belittling the rest of us, it’s just difficult for big companies to be bleeding edge or take risks.

  13. Mike O Says:

    Interesting discussion. Not hoping to feed Mr Mcalray’s paranoia but I disagree on two points.

    >>One of the biggest drivers for the migration (apart from the fact it’s
    >>no longer supported) is that the admin OR THE VENDOR (when it was
    >>Cybermation) couldn’t get the COB/DR system to work. Cybermation
    >>gave up in the end and cut the support costs..

    Cybermation was acquired by CA. CA are committed to dSeries High Availability and it works fine. So DR issues aren’t a valid reason to migrate from dSeries.

    >>What does the Carlisle group do? They buy small companies,
    >>build them up and then sell them on. If you’ve just spent millions
    >>converting your entire batch onto UC4 and it’s sold to another
    >> scheduling company, you’re ******.

    If CA, BMC or IBM acquired UC4 or Tidal or Orsyp, I think the level of comitment to retain customers would be no less than when CA acquired Platinum Technologies (Autosys) or IBM acquired Unison or BMC acquired New Dimension. When huge companies buy medium size companies they do not ruin the product, customers are not *******! For example, CA are investing huge $’s into dSeries.

  14. Jonathan McAlroy Says:

    Martin: Yes even eEEM.. V8.4 works fine with AutoSys.
    Can’t talk for Commerz, ask the guys who work there.
    I didnt hear that about 11.5, but it’s already true for some jobs (WS). Gutted, if they totally remove it.

    It’s wasn’t the disagree’ing with me that I found surprising, it was the appearence that everyone else using AutoSys seems to hate it.. If you read through all of the comments on this blog and Hendrys you’ll be hard pressed to find one thats positive about the product. The “other agenda’s” was me wondering that some of them might be working for other vendors; for instance there was a post a couple of months ago on the ‘Workload Automation Forum’, some guy asked about the availability of a feature and within a day he had 4 replies from the likes of UC4, $U etc.. Before any AutoSys user had replied. It’s like sharks circling a fish (or vultures circling an injured animal).

  15. I frequent many of the AutoSys/workload forums as in Operations change happens rapidly and we need to be prepared for the next curve bull IT throws at us.

    One thing I have noted from the AutoSys world is how the same names pop up in their bullish tone trying to forcefully impress their view and speculating about foul play the moment their decisions are questioned. It is almost bordering on the verge of paranoia.

    Whither AutoSys turned from what was a very useful blog in to a mixture good information alongside what seemed to be personal digs.

    Whatever happened to keeping it factual so that those reading achieve something other than a laugh.

    It’s a blog after all, if you aren’t happy with criticism, why submit it?

  16. Stevie Says:

    It’s a sad indictment when even the worlds biggest cheerleader for AutoSys refers to it as an”injured animal”! Let’s try to be positive, I think the product is vastly improved in recent months (although I agree with posters on previous blog pages that Jonathan & Hendry weren’t the only people to experience pain or help CA to improve the product).

  17. Jonathan McAlroy Says:

    We’re going ever so slightly off topic but.. I fully agree.. There’s a quote that reminds me of this that I’ve been trying to look up, unsuccessfully, so I’ll paraphrase..

    It’s regarding the peer reviewing of Scientific papers by the community of other scientist working in that field; It is the responsibility of the author to ensure his information is correct and accurate to the highest possible degree and it is the responsibility of the commentator to point out any failings in that regard *but to also hold themselves to the same measure when making their comments*.

    The original was more eloquent, but I think the point is clear. I’ve never hidden where my opinions or missives are founded and if I’ve appeared bullish then it’s because I do take my work home with me and feel strongly about it.

    I could (and perhaps I will) create a few Gmail accounts and start sprouting posts and comments on the superb-ness of AutoSys and the inadequacies of $UC4 – all from behind the veil of anonymity.

    Btw – golive still sucks.

  18. Great site this autosys.wordpress.com and I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  19. What’s with the golive comment?! Is Jon McAlroy saying don’t “golive” with r11 yet? I read Jon McAlroy’s post on Richard Leyton’s blog when he was going to be the 1st to golive with r11 back in July 2008?

    Have I missed the point?

  20. Some of my previous comments were not exactly pro AutoSys but judging by my experiences (and those of my colleagues) with the very latest product I suggest that r11 can be used in production.

    Clearly many people had painful r11 experiences (and Jonathan and other larger sites may now be reluctant to “golive” as a result) but sites reviewing the product fresh (as of now) will find that r11 works fine.

    It is also apparent that CA and their Partners’ consultants now understand the product better.

    Don’t be scared of r11, get it in test the hell out of it and if you like it then “golive” with it! If r11 doesn’t fill you with confidence in your test lab or UAT environment then plan your escape route.

  21. Do anyone have update on latest Tidal news? Does it make diference to Autosys users?

  22. Mike Says:

    Jonathan McAlroy Says:

    March 19, 2009 at 6:51 pm

    Amazing that two German Banks use a German Scheduler; I guess the Pack Instinct is alive and well.

    Actually UC4 is Austrian!

    Starngely, lots of American companies use Autosys – I guess the pack instinct works well there too!

  23. To expand on my previous query, does the acquisition of Tidal by Cisco affect peoples attitudes towards Tidal’s TES as a major player in the scheduling world? Further to Jonathan McAlroy and Citi Group’s concerns that smaller companies (than IBM, BMC and CA) will be bought and sold by private equity firms like Carlyle Group.

    According to Wikipedia:

    Cisco had annual revenue of US$39 billion in 2008.
    CA had annual revenue of US$4.3 billion in 2008.
    IBM had annual revenue of US$103.6 billion in 2008.
    BMC had annual revenue of US$1.64 billion in 2008.

    So I guess that TES is now a big player by virtue of Cisco’s financial muscle and are not owned by a private equity firm.

  24. Martha Groves Says:

    Citigroup and Carlyle Group have a long-standing relationship, including the acquisition of KorAm.

    Citi named Edward Kelly their new CFO in March 2009. Until last year, he was at the Carlyle Group.

    Given the size and influence of Carlyle Group, it is highly unlikely that UC4 will be in any danger. They are certainly a safer bet to be around in 12 months than Citi or any other major American financial services company.

  25. Ashley Brown Says:

    Using this forum to debate the actions of a prestigious international investment company is inappropriate, since the participants are on the whole misinformed. Mr Mcalroy may work for Citigroup but it is doubtful that he is authorised to comment on the bank’s behalf when it comes to the policies of Carlyle Group.

  26. Kevan Brown Says:

    My understanding is that Citi is still predominantly an IBM customer as far as global scheduling is concerned. There is Tidal and AutoSys too but TWA runs the core business schedules.

  27. Ashley, I am not sure if Jonathan was talk on behalf of the bank, but if you go and do a little research on the Carlyle Group you will see that they do exactly as Jonathan has said. I have been told that they actually have a policy on how long they will own a company before selling it on. I personally do not believe that it is a bad business model, in fact I think it is quite good. The problem that is posed by them owning UC4 is that if you have to buy a product from UC4 and they then get sold, what will the new owners do with the product. It is entirely possible that one of their competitors could buy them and shelve UC4 to get rid of the competition.


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